The use of AI for development is in its infancy. Knowing how to select the right AI tool to fuel your strategies is vital. We can help.
manager development
Generative AI and Talent Management: The Art of the Possible
Generative AI is disruptive. It is not a matter of IF you will adopt this technology, but rather a matter of WHEN and HOW in talent management.
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The Potential of AI for Developing Leaders
We have quickly experienced the potential that AI holds to develop leaders at their moments of need. Take a look at our approach!
The Arrival of Artificial Intelligence in Careers
How will Artificial Intelligence impact the needed Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes to help drive successful careers? Let’s explore this together.
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Manager 360 Case Study
Manager development is vital for organizational effectiveness. This 3-year case study demonstrates the impact of 360 surveys and coaching.
Self-Awareness and the Power of 360’s
There is no better avenue for self-awareness development than the use of multi-rater 360 surveys as perspectives change across rater groups.
The Career Success University
How can organization’s accelerate and scale their desire to develop future leaders? Consider these elements in your corporate university strategy!
The 7 Optimizing Points for Future Leader Development
A frequent question from talent management professionals and senior leaders goes like this: Can we shorten the time it takes to fund an open C-Suite or key functional and geographical leadership role with a well-prepared high potential candidate? And can we decrease the time it takes while assuring future success?
Read More from The 7 Optimizing Points for Future Leader Development
Vertical Succession Planning
The characteristics of top talent are well understood. Commit to vertical succession planning, get the call right, and follow up with aligned development.
Why is self-awareness important?
Why is self-awareness important? A recurrent finding is that life and career success increase as self-awareness increases—if you use the insight.