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The Future of Jobs Report – Top 10 Skills for 2025

Author: Roger Pearman – Managing Partner

Fifty-percent of ALL employees will need “reskilling” by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Future of Jobs Report. These leading economists throughout the Western world are alerting governments and organizations that there are significant capability and skill deficits that must be addressed for economies to thrive, driven primarily by the adoption of new technologies.  They further declared the top 10 skills, which are essential for the future, across 4 skill types listed below;

Top 10 skills across 4 skill types
  • Problem-solving
    • Inclusive of analytical thinking and innovation, complex problem-solving, critical thinking and analysis, creativity, originality and initiative, reasoning, problem-solving and ideation.
  • Self-management
    • Inclusive of active learning and learning strategies, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility.
  • Working with people
    • Inclusive of a focus on leadership and social influence skills.
  • Technology use and development
    • Inclusive of technology use, monitoring and control, and technology design and programming.
How does decades of research inform the future skills needed?

We found it important to answer this question when reflecting on the WEF report. Therefore, by compiling research, which revealed the specific Roles that are going to be essential for Leaders, and found our behavioral libraries capture what the World Economic Forum (WEU) has suggested.

As context, Roles form the basis of all benchmarks of performance in an organization. Roles are what you are hired for, paid for, promoted based upon and terminated for not fulfilling. Consider what you would discover if you analyzed 1,000 job descriptions of leaders across industries. The themes you would find are unmistakable regarding what people are expected to fulfill to be successful at every level (Leader, Manager, Individual Contributor).  Using the Roles at the Leader level, we mapped the connections to the WEF report to assess our coverage.  Keep in mind that just certain basic facets of the WEF report overlap with the core aspects of these Roles:

Top 10 Skills for Future Work Mapped to the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes of Leaders

The Top 10 Skills are Accounted for in our Leadership Library

In other words, the top 10 skills of 2025 highlighted by the WEF are accounted for in the Roles of Leaders within TalentTelligent’s solution. We also discovered coverage at our Manager and Individual Contributor level because all levels matter!  Further, we know these skills vary in difficulty, in degree of intensity and in the kind of experiential assignments needed for development that sticks.

While it is true that there is knowledge and some simulated practice of skills that individuals can learn online,  developing skills is always in context to the needs of the individual and situation.  For that reason, we encourage organizations to:

  • Create a job profile that identifies the mission critical Roles and Practices essential for a given job, in a specific organization, in a particular market setting. Context matters.
  • Use the job profile to identify the current talent strengths, gaps, AND to acquire future talent through succession planning.
  • Use the job profile to develop structured, behavioral-based interviews for acquiring or coaching talent.
  • Utilize developmental difficulty research to inform talent management strategies.
The How?

TalentTelligent enables organizations to use virtual card sorting technology, level-specific performance libraries, developmental placemats, development and interview guides, and surveys to ensure research is at the table with ALL talent management strategies.

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