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Our Collective VUCA Moment

Author: Roger Pearman– Managing Partner

When Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus created the acronym V.U.C.A. they had in mind that Volatility was the by-product of clashing groups and value systems.  In fact, they speculated that multiple group norms would create social disruption and rapid change. Uncertainty and Ambiguity have to do with the relevance of information and different interpretations of data and consequences of choices.  The solution as suggested by Harvard Professor Bill George is to move toward Vision, Understanding, Caring, and Adaptability—-a prospective VUCA.

Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous times require the right behavioral response.

Our world, and certainly the United States, is experiencing a collective V.U.C.A. moment that demands for us to find a vision for moving forward, understanding for demonstrating advanced empathy, and an enrichment of our capacity for adaptability.  It is the TalentTelligent perspective that behavior is where the action is—behavior tells the story of the probability of achieving a prospective VUCA made up of Vision, Understanding, Caring, and Adaptability that we bring to our work. Which behaviors does the evidence show are most important in achieving this future state through talent management strategies? Through our intentional exploration, we have discovered specific Roles and Practices for Individual Contributors, Managers, and Leaders which must be behaviorally demonstrated to achieve a prospective VUCA.

Our specific focus for moving toward the prospective VUCA is related to the following evidence based Roles that inform talent management strategies for clients large and small:

Individual Contributors
Roles: Working Smoothly with Others, Supporting and Executive Change Initiatives, and Showing Interest in and Working on Personal Growth and Development
Managers and Supervisors
Roles: Networking and Collaborating, Being a Role Model, Supporting Change Initiatives, Aspiring and Inspiring, and Gaining and Applying Perspective
Roles: Culture building, Conflict Management, and Talent Management Futures

To build a prospective VUCA future in our organizations we must hire for these Roles, Develop these Roles, Coach to these Roles, and Reward success in these Roles.

Join us in this journey to find a constructive path forward by creating organizations that thrive, those support true belonging for employees at all levels, and those that positively impact employee lives in a manner that spills out across all of society…..

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