Author: Garrick Throckmorton – Chief Product and Services Officer
Evidence Based Approach to Restarting Effectively
Organizations across the world are experiencing a level of complex disruption that few had the foresight to adequately see coming, or prepare for a mere 6 months ago. Each week has brought new information, new guidelines, standards, perspectives, tensions, and fatigue, while also stirring up new opportunities for creativity, innovation, re-design, and service models to support end users/consumers. Along the way we have seen our clients impacted across a very wide spectrum dependent on their country, state, industry, size, and strategic focus.
As we scan the horizon, we can all agree that there are still enough unknowns to keep our minds occupied and spinning. However, we all know that our “restart” is on the horizon as cities, states and countries begin moving through phased openings. The phenomenon of restarting will be as foreign to Leaders, Managers and Individual Contributors as the phenomenon of closing was most recently. While we did not have adequate time to prepare for closing, you can proactively plan for a restart and use evidence to consider the behaviors that will be mission critical across all levels.
The re-start that will require that you assemble teams quickly, that you create new structures and processes, scavenge for resources, and have very little to no history to lean upon to make decisions. The margin for error will be very small as we all want to be right the first time to minimize errors and delays, yet our plans must also be malleable as unforeseen events will occur. You MUST have all levels of the organization rowing together through aligned and focused behaviors rooted in evidence.
Using the evidenced based and experience tested KSA Suite, we can lean upon our diagnostic assignmentology placemats (which connect common career assignments to our development suites) to map mission critical Roles and Practices to the exact dynamics present during a re-start.
The chart above provides a samples of the mission critical Roles and Practices needed at each level in your organization based upon evidence. A critical insight from this mapping activity is the clear behavioral pressure (more mission critical Roles and Pratices) and focus that will be placed upon your managers to ensure your re-start is a success. How are you supporting your Managers/Supervisors during this time? Are they ready? We can help. Watch our Virtual TalentTelligent Tour to learn more about how our tools can be used to help you restart, no matter what the circumstances.