Program Length: This learning includes 3-4 hours of self-paced learning content across four key modules (depending on your pace).
Description: This accessible training is designed for a Specialized Selection Certification Path Audience: Talent Acquisition Practitioners using The TalentTelligent selection tools (only).
We want to provide you with an easy way to skill-up multiple talent acquisition resources on how to use TalentTelligent’s Suite of Recruiting and Selection Tools.
These may include Recruiters, Interviewing Teams, Human Resource Business Partners, Generalists, Talent Practitioners, or hiring managers within the organization who only need to be trained in the selection specialization within Talent Management.
Objectives: This course will prepare you for:
- Creating Job Success Profiles to determine organizational priorities for Roles and Practices –using the five science-based libraries — facilitating card sorting (digital or physical) exercises, and analyzing the data to triangulate and make a best-in-class recommendation to the organization.
- Using the Hello! Suite of Products best practices to conduct patterned, behavior-based interviews; prepare the interview, conduct the interview, and use the best probes to get at what matters most, without bias.
- Assessing candidates using the Hello! Fit Appraisal; select a job success profile, launch assessments for candidates, interpret assessment results and advise on the best fit given a number of inputs.
- Creating Hello! Interview Guides to strengthen your selection and interviewing skills and organizational approaches
- Completing a Skill Check, and important Certification Paperwork
Tools: This course includes physical and digital product companion tools:
- (3) Hello Interview Guides (across three key leveled libraries) – physical
- Diagnostic Placemats across three levels – physical
- Tally Sheets and Posters – digital PDFs for use on-site
- Virtual Card Sorting Access and 1 credit- digital
- Pre-employment FIT Appraisal access and 1 credit – digital
- Interview Guide Builder access and 1 credit – digital
- Various handouts and technical manuals – digital