Author: Garrick Throckmorton – Chief Product and Services Officer
TalentTelligent Virtual Certifications: Unlimited Legroom Included
I recently presented to an audience of HR professionals on the topic of Leading for Performance. This presentation was rooted in the evidence that in order for our organizations to perform, we must have ALL levels operating in the most effective ways. Said otherwise, the entire talent system must row together inside of the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) environment that we all face.
VUCA, is a term with roots that can be traced to the military. As you can imagine military training prepares ALL soldiers to encounter VUCA moments. One participant, with a military background, shared a US Air Force acronym from his background, CAVU. CAVU stands for Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited and is certainly an environmental goal of every pilot to have maximum visibility at take off. We all wish that we had unlimited visibility in these times!
While unlimited visibility may be far-fetched in our organizations, we can prepare our talent systems in a way that allows flexibility versus rigidity, when the context around us changes and the visibility is reduced. This needed flexibility is one of the driving principles behind how the KSA Suite of Tools were constructed. Our talent tools adapt to what VUCA throws your way, flex to your organization’s context, and are relevant to the challenges you face at any given moment.
We are thrilled to share that you can gain new skills to prepare and protect your talent strategies against VUCA as our event calendar offers multiple opportunities to obtain your All-Access TalentTelligent Certification. We hope to see you soon!