Authored by: Garrick Throckmorton
Inside Human Resources, HR Leaders are beginning to experience an increased level of friction in their roles. This friction comes with the responsibility as HR leaders to guide year-end talent processes for the enterprise and kick off new processes for next year, while also taking time to reflect individually as a leader and not failing to remember the team you lead! While this friction occurs throughout the year, it often reaches a fevered pitch as Q4 turns to Q1.
From benefits open enrollment, year-end evaluations, talent reviews, goal setting, and leadership development programs ending to budget approvals, your plate is full. In order to be strategic-minded, you have to juggle this season of reflection with a proactive stance towards planning for the future . . . not that you needed a reminder! Oh, and at the same time, there may be holiday travel, guests staying in your home, office parties and more to add to the mix. Simply put, life gets hectic this time of year.
Given the challenges of the season, we at TalentTelligent want to encourage you to flex an important Practice that we highlight in our KSAL (Knowledge Skills and Attributes of Leaders) Development (DIY – Develop It Yourself) and Interviewing Guide (Hello!). This key Practice is Reading and Understanding Individuals. Due to the hectic nature of this time of year, it is easy to allow the busyness of the season to reduce the attentiveness needed to read and understand others. Leaders who exhibit this Practice well are diligent to observe others carefully during this time of year. Work, home, and family stressors reach an all-time high, which increases our chances of missing the cues of how this noisy time is impacting others. When flexing your “people reading skills”, do you notice shifts in the behaviors that seem outside of the typical patterns you have experienced with others? Take the time to check in with your team, and others, during this time of year, as the friction you are feeling is not a unique experience. Being intentional to read and understand others will go a long way to strengthening relationships as you finish the year and start a new one. This will help fuel engagement.
We hope to be a part of your future planning as our talent tools are new, fresh, and highlight the key roles and practices to succeed in your organizational context. We are not an off-the-shelf solution because you won’t face off-the-shelf challenges. Start your year off right and join our virtual certification program to obtain a TalentTelligent Certification from the comfort of your home or office!