KSAM DIY (Develop It Yourself)
KSAM Hello! Interview Guide
KSAM Sort Cards
KSAM Color Placemats A/B, C/D, E/F
KSAM Tally Sheet and Poster, as PDFs
ONE KSAM 360 Administration
Your kit includes one of each of the following items:
360 Survey: We prefer to lean towards a “have it your way” approach at TeamTelligent. This means that you can run our 360 against the entire list of applicable Roles and Practices, against just the Roles and Practices your organization found to be applicable after using our sort cards, and also through finding five different reports you can generate from the KSA 360 platform. Each report can be run without any limit on the number of times that you want to print. Additionally, moving forward, you can order surveys in any quantity without having to worry about expiration dates. After all, you purchased the survey so you should be able to use it when you want!
Sorting Cards – As you know, a best practice is to use the sort cards to help a leader, manager, or individual get used to the language of the KSA Library of Roles and Practices before launching the survey. In many cases, sort cards are used to select the key Practices that an individual really wants feedback on, rather than the entire library.
DIY (Develop It Yourself) Development Guide – DIY is a “go to” guide for employees at all levels. Each guide provides the opportunity to unpack the key Roles and Practices that drive effectiveness at each level in the organization. This includes development tips, tune up plan, descriptions in the form of observable behaviors and enough neuroscience to get to you started on your journey to better performance.
Hello! Interview Guide – While the HELLO! Guidebook is designed for interviewing candidates, it is also excellent to use in conversations with your coachee. Use selected Roles or Practice interview protocols to explore the depth of learning about a Practice. The power of the open-ended props in a coaching conversation can be very illuminating….”Tell me about a time when…..”
Placemats – Our placemats provide an overview of the library, relative developmental difficulty of developing skills in a given Practice, and career assignmentology information.
Tally Sheets – When engaging with our sort cards exercises, Tally Sheets provide a clean framework for recording the insights that you discover. Tally Sheets allow decision makers to jump from sorting exercises, to analysis, to action planning and come in both Role and Practice formats.